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LDD Bioscience Osteonip Drops For Knee & joint pain relief

Osteonip treats inflammation and joint pain, swelling in joints, stiffness in joints and adjoining muscles, osteoarthritis, arthritis, and rheumatic pain in any part of the body .

Osteoarthritis:   Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis, caused by the wear-and-tear or damage to the joint’s cartilage surrounding the bone, which results in increased friction among the bones.

Rheumatoid arthritis : Rheumatoid arthritis Is an autoimmune disorder that causes chronic inflammation of joints & other body parts.

Osteopenia: Osteopenia is the first critical stage when your bones are weaker than normal but still pass enough strength to not break easily

How osteonip works 

  Osteonip is an effective remedy for controlling arthritis and osteoarthritis, as it reduces joint capsule membrane inflammation and increases blood flow to the affected areas. It inhibits the formation of xanthine oxidase activity, which is responsible for the higher production of uric acids in the body, thereby reducing inflammation in the synovium membrane of the joints. 


COMPOSITION A:  Dulcamara 3CH 10% V/V , Arnica Montana 3CH 10%V/V , Ruta Graveolens 4CH 10%V/V  , Purified water   q.s to make 100%V/V , alcohol content 27%V/V                

COMPOSITION B:  Rhus Toxicodendron 4CH 10%V/V , Actae racemose 4CH 10% V/V , Formica Rufa 4CH 10%V/V , purified water q.s to make 100% V/V , alcohol content 27% 


DULCAMARA Dulcamara is used to treat paralysis of the lower limbs. There is paralysis of a single limb, with feet icy cold. It reduces muscle pain and stiffness, attended with soreness.

Arnica Montana The active chemicals in arnica may reduce swelling and decrease pain and it is used for bruises, sprains muscle soreness, and muscle spasms & effective in osteoarthritis. 

Ruta Graveolens : It is used for the treatment of rheumatism, arthritis, and other inflammatory conditions like affected tendons and the capsule of the joints, worse from cold and dampness. 

Rhus Toxicodendron : It is used in relieving, swelling and stiffness of the joints from sprains, lifting, or over-stretching. 

Actae Racemose : It has anti -rheumatism activity & anti-inflammation activity. it plays a major role in helping with osteoporosis. the bone structure was maintained by inhibiting bone loss and lowering bone reabsorption in osteoporosis. 

  Formica Rufa : It is used for rheumatic pains: stiff and contracted joints. muscles feel strained and torn from their attachment, and weakness in the lower extremities. 

INDICATIONS :   Arthritis, osteoarthritis, inflammation & joint pains, swelling in joints, stiffness in joints, & adjoining muscles, rheumatic pain in any part of the body 



Open both the bottles marked A and B; mix their contents in the bigger empty bottle c. insert the dropper provided & shake the bottle c well to mix the contents.


DOSAGE: 1 ml [20 drops] thrice daily in half a cup of water from the bigger bottle [ C ]or as directed by the physician. 



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